Como historia da internet você pode economizar tempo, esforço e dinheiro.

Dr Chuck is awesome as always, I really learned a lot about the internet's history. Dr Chuck's passion for life and teaching really comes across in his lessons. -- Thank you sir.

1979: surge a primeira rede para grupos por discussão, que na verdade era uma mistura por canal de conversa em tempo real utilizando RPG (Role Playing Game).

A Internet surgiu a partir de um projeto da agência norte-americana Advanced Research and Projects Agency (ARPA) objetivando conectar os computadores Destes seus departamentos de pesquisa.

[124][125] This caused controversy within the research and education community, who were concerned commercial use of the network might lead to an Internet that was less responsive to their needs, and within the community of commercial network providers, who felt that government subsidies were giving an unfair advantage to some organizations.[126]

Great course. It gives a good understanding of how the internet works and where it comes from. I really enjoy the interviews with people that lay the foundations of the internet.

A complexa infraestrutura por comunicações da Internet consiste por seus componentes do hardware e por um sistema por camadas por softwares de que controla vários aspectos da arquitetura na rede.

The gradually accelerating perception of the ability of computers to create new means and approaches to communication, the emergence of social media and websites such as Twitter and Facebook to their later prominence, and global collaborations such as Wikipedia (which existed before but gained prominence as a result),

• A camada de transporte do TCP/IP, de que utiliza o UDP, nunca sempre garante a entrega confiável Destes pacotes, ao contrário da camada por transporte do modelo OSI;

Great clica aqui classes. Very easy for everybody looking to have a first contact with the subject: although a bit more in-depth explanations about the technology part would have been great.

However, interest in commercial use of the Internet quickly became a commonly debated topic. Although commercial use was forbidden, the exact definition of commercial use was unclear and subjective.

Ocorria nesse instante a Guerra Fria, e os cientistas tinham saiba como objetivo criar uma rede que continuasse por pé em caso de um bombardeio.

Another important event held on January 11, 1994, was The Superhighway Summit at UCLA's Royce Hall. This was the "first public conference bringing together all of the major industry, government and academic leaders in the field [and] also began the national dialogue about the Information Superhighway and its implications."[235]

O nome Internet propriamente dito surgiu natural Muito mais tarde, quando a tecnologia da ARPAnet passou a ser usada de modo a conectar universidades e laboratórios, primeiro nos EUA e depois em outros países.

Em 1965, Donald Davies do National Physical Laboratory (UK) propôs uma rede nacional por dados baseado em troca do pacotes. A proposta não foi aceita nacionalmente, porém em 1970 ele desenhou e construiu a rede por troca por pacotes Mark I de modo a conhecer as necessidades do laboratório multidisciplinar e provar a tecnologia sob condições operacionais.

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